
Death Wish Coffee

  • Company Death Wish Coffee
  • Location New York, shipping high-caffeine coffee worldwide.

Death Wish Coffee solve the multiple cups problem faced by most coffee drinkers. From their New York base, they ship ultra-high-caffeine coffee to hundreds of thousands of coffee fans worldwide. One cup of Death Wish, and these drinkers never need worry about a second cup, or indeed, sleep for the rest of the week.

Founded in 2012 and growing rapidly year-on-year, you may have caught their Superbowl commercial in 2016.

We interviewed Caiden Tuller, Customer Experience and Relationship Manager.

Caiden Tuller

Tell us about Death Wish Coffee

In 2012, Death Wish Coffee Co. started in a small coffee shop in Saratoga Springs, NY. Founder Mike Brown saw a need for coffee that was both strong and delicious to serve his groggy morning customers. After creating the perfect blend of beans and combining it with his unique roasting technique, the ‘World’s Strongest Coffee’ was born. Today, thousands of people trust Death Wish Coffee to wake them up and keep them going every day.

What challenges were you facing?

We knew our audience were growing rapidly, and we needed to ensure we grew with them.To ensure this, we needed to ask them the right questions to yield improvements; but we didn’t want to ask TOO many questions. Most importantly, we wanted to know are our customers happy? Enter, NPS

How did CustomerSure Help?

CustomerSure provides us with clear visibility into our NPS, and importantly for us, provides good-looking, customisable, branded surveys. Getting set up was completely plug and play, which was important as we’re not a technical team.

We now have quick and accurate insights on what to improve upon and when to act. Having our metrics laid out so nicely keeps us up to snuff. If we notice a dip in the numbers, we can quickly jump to the feedback to hone in on issues and work toward solutions.

The support provided by CustomerSure’s team has been nothing short of amazing. Fast, articulate answers to our questions any time, and every time we’re scratching our heads. You guys are the best!

Death Wish Team

What results have you achieved?

Countless happy, return customers who are impressed and hungry for more interaction once they realise a team of real people are reading their feedback and replying. It should be standard but unfortunately, not many companies out there reply to feedback they receive.

We understand the importance and value in reading, understanding and in almost every case, replying.

By listening to the feedback, we’ve made several improvements to our subscription program and, rolled out a rewards program that is home to almost 150K users! Up until the roll out, we hadn’t ever had a rewards program. But it wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the clear feedback we collected asking for this feature. Circling back, thanks CustomerSure!

Has there been anything memorable in the feedback you’ve received?

When you’re serving up the world’s strongest coffee, you have the world’s most caffeinated customer base. Often times, after what I imagine to be a couple cups deep, we’ll get brilliant poems or short stories about what our coffee did to/for them. Sometimes it’s a haiku about just the brewing process of Death Wish Coffee.

Every now and then, if one truly stands out, I’ll make it a point to email it around to the team as a friendly reminder of the importance of what we do here.

It also really boosts team morale, and serves as an important reminder to the team about WHY we do it, not just WHAT we do. That means the world to us.

What would be your advice to somebody who’s about to start on customer feedback?

Have a tone of voice guide in place, prior to creating your feedback survey. Having a defined on-brand tone is key to making sure you’re asking the right questions and more importantly, asking them the right way. We see a response rate of over 20% to our surveys, which we’re pleased with.

Also, make sure you’re asking questions that you can use to make improvements within your company. Give the questions purpose. Be sure to leave blank space for their written feedback. This blank space is invaluable.

Death Wish Coffee

Lastly, make sure that your team is equipped to be able to reply to the feedback you’re collecting in a timely fashion. If you’re not reading it to understand or reply to it, it’s just taking up space and time for your business.

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