

  • Company Swiftpage
  • Location Newcastle, UK, and Scottsdale, AZ

Swiftpage is the brand behind Act! – the best-selling Contact & Customer Manager. It’s a fun loving, fast-moving, ‘can do’ culture with people at the core – the people who deliver service and the customers who receive it.

Faced with the challenge of delivering high quality software and exceptional service to customers around the world, they knew that improving customer satisfaction would drive up contract renewals.

We interviewed Lindsay Boullin, VP, Global Operations.

Swiftpage office locations

Tell us about Swiftpage

We provide software for business and other organisation which need to manage their relationships.

By using our sales and contact management database software, and email marketing web tools they can better interact with their customers.

We’re really good at ensuring our products and services are easy to get results from, and are very affordable to use.

We have a great culture – we have a great bunch of people who have fun while they constantly try to delight our customers.

It was important to us that we had reliable, daily survey data coming through.

What made you look for a customer feedback system?

Customer feedback is a key measure for us to know how well we, and our service providers, are delivering service to our customers.

It’s key because experience tells us that happy customers renew their contracts and that renewals revenue can then go into the investments we need to make into our people, products and services.

It was important to us that we had reliable, daily survey data coming through.

Swiftpage office locations

How did CustomerSure help?

We chose CustomerSure because of the trusting relationship we were able to build with their team.

We were previously a part of Sage. The CustomerSure solution allowed us to take the same approach that worked for us there, but with a fraction of the resources.

Getting up and running was simple and much quicker than expected – we just had to make sure we involved the right people from our side.

We use CustomerSure to generate our monthly reports which are used across the business to measure how well our support organisation is doing.

We love the instantaneous results our reps get and use the individual feedback to award monthly prizes which they can exchange for vouchers and other incentives.

Simple and effective sums it up!

We chose CustomerSure because of the trusting relationship we were able to build with their team.

What results have you achieved?

We’ve always had a focus on customers, but CustomerSure has helped us get a consistent view. This has been so successful that we have decided to use CustomerSure to measure satisfaction around the world.

We are achieving 95%+ CSAT in Europe and we look forward to using future feedback to help identify areas for improvement in service delivery in the US as well as in Europe.

Swiftpage office locations

Is there anything memorable or surprising about the feedback you’ve received?

It’s fantastic to read the praise that our hard working front line team gets. Sometimes the criticism is hard to read, but it does give tangible pointers for where product and service improvements are needed.

What advice would you give someone about customer feedback?

Put in place a process to ensure you take action based on the feedback you will get and get back to the survey respondent as soon as possible to tell them what you’ve done with their feedback.

Read more:

Guide Read Spark Energy

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Spark use CustomerSure to Reduce Complaint Volume, Improve First Contact Resolution, and Measurably Improve Satisfaction

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