
If possible, we recommend you automate feedback collection. If you can’t automate feedback, or you don’t want to, there are two ways to manually schedule feedback request emails.

Upload a spreadsheet

Spreadsheets must include at the bare minimum a column of customer email addresses.

Beyond the email address, you can choose to include more columns, such as name, telephone number, company name and/or columns that set segments such as a site, department, or product. You can also include other supplementary fields, like an account number or reference number.

Beyond this, you can add as many columns as you need. These columns will work in one of three ways:

  • Customer Data: Fields such as name, phone number and company, which we will pre-fill when your customer completes a survey.
  • Segmentation Data: If you have reporting segments set up, you can include columns to track feedback against these segments. Please read the segments help page for more information, but remember that the column headings in your CSV must exactly match your segment codes: (i.e. staff_code, account_code).
  • Extra data: If you have data you would like to track on a customer-by-customer basis, you can include this in your CSV files. Good examples are “ticket ID” (if you’re using CustomerSure after support tickets), “account number” and so on. No special configuration is needed for these columns – anything in your file which is not customer data or segmentation data will be carried along as ‘extra data’.

After a customer fills in your survey, all fields in your file will be shown against the feedback when you open it in CustomerSure. If you provide data for a field that is shown on your survey, like a name, it will be pre-filled for the customer.

The fields in your data file can also be used in your email templates, similar to mail merge. This means you can personalise each email sent with the customer name, an account number or anything else they may find helpful.

If you’re thinking about uploading CSV files on a regular basis we recommend you contact us, so we can help you get the file structure and account set up just right. Often, the CSV file plays a key role in dictating what you can view in the reporting area of the software.

How to upload a spreadsheet

  • First of all, nothing will be sent until you complete this process, and there is an undo option if you’re worried about making mistakes.
  • Hover over Feedback Requests on the main menu, then select Upload a File
  • Pick a file from your computer, then Upload file and continue to match columns »
  • We’ll do our best to match the columns in your spreadsheet to sensible field types in CustomerSure. For instance, if we see a column called ‘email’, we’ll map that to the customer’s email address.
  • On the next screen, review the matching we’ve done, and make any changes using the drop-down boxes to the right of each of your columns
  • On the next screen, pick which of your email templates you’d like to use to send these mails, and which survey you’d like your customers to fill in.
  • Finally, we’ll queue up your feedback requests. Depending on how large your file is, this may take a few minutes. This screen will keep you updated with the progress if your import.

Type or copy-and-paste a list

If you just want to collect feedback from a handful of customers, or for a quick test you can simply enter a list of email addresses directly into the software; rather than upload a file. Note, this approach only allows you to set an email and name, not any segment, or additional data. To request feedback manually, go here:

  • Hover over Feedback Requests on the main menu, then select Upload a List
  • Select your survey and the email template from the 1st two select boxes
  • Set the time that you would like the emails to be sent
  • Enter your email address into the large text area
  • Click the Create my feedback requests button

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