
Replying to customers who have taken their time to submit feedback is something we highly recommend. Whether it’s a simple “Thank you for your feedback” reply, a detailed email, a phone call, or an in-person meeting; we’ve seen numerous times how it’s one of the most important steps in an effective customer experience improvement program.

By replying to customers you will set yourself apart from the crowd and you will surprise and delight your customers. Also importantly, if any customers are at risk you’ll likely have the chance to save them!

If you’d like to read more about how important replies can be, and how to handle the common objections please see our in-depth guide on how to respond to customer feedback.

When using CustomerSure, there are a few options for replying to feedback, you can:

  • Reply directly from the software.
  • Reply to the emails our software sends you.
  • Contact the customer outside CustomerSure (phone, email, CRM/help desk).

Each of these 3 methods are covered in more detail below.

Reply from within CustomerSure

  • Click Feedback on the main menu.
  • Open the feedback you’d like to reply to.
  • Click on the Replies tab.
  • Type your reply and click Send reply to customer button.

You message will be emailed to the customer immediately. The email is sent in plain text and the from field in their inbox will show your name and your company name. If you would like to preview exactly what you customer will see in their inbox, you can click the What will my customer receive? link above the send button.

After sending a reply it will be shown against the feedback for everyone else at your company to see. If your customer replies to your message, their reply will be logged against the feedback and you will receive an email notification with their message.

Reply via email

As well as replying in the software, you can reply directly to the email notification we send you about new feedback. This means you don’t even need to log into CustomerSure to reply. Your email will be sent to the customer as if you had replied from the software. If the customer replies to your reply, you can continue the conversation from your inbox for as long as you need.

As your email exchange with the customer takes place, CustomerSure logs the emails (and any attachments) against the feedback, giving you and your team a full audit trail, all stored against the original item of feedback.

Reply from outside CustomerSure

When you receive feedback, you can see the customer’s contact details in the sidebar. So, if you prefer, you can simply email or call the customer directly. You may wish to leave a note to let others know that’s what you’ve done.

If you use another system to manage the communication with your customers, such as a CRM or help desk, you may wish to set up an integration to send the feedback.

Take the first step…

Connect with a CX expert who’ll help determine your current VoC programme maturity level and provide a 3-step action plan to improve.