
There are a few different ways you can add your team to CustomerSure:

People with a login

  • Administrators: These people have full control of your CustomerSure account.
  • Operators: These people are very similar to administrators, but don’t have access to some key features such as billing, staff management and systems integration
  • Managers: These people are responsible for an area of your business, for example a site or a team. They can see feedback and dashboards for the area they manage
  • Agents: These people can only see feedback about themselves

People without a login

  • Email: These people can receive emails about feedback but can’t log in. You can choose which areas of your business they get mail about, and under what conditions
  • Tracked These people don’t see any information in CustomerSure, but you can track customer satisfaction aginst them.

If you’re at all unsure about how to set up your staff, please get in touch and we’ll be glad to spend some time talking it through with you.

To Add a new Staff Member to CustomerSure

  • Hover over your name on the main menu.
  • Click Company Settings on the drop-down menu.
  • Click the Add staff button.
  • Pick which type of staff you would like to add.
  • Fill in the form and click Create Account.

If you are creating a user with a login, an email will be sent that person inviting them to set up a password.

Former employees

If somebody leaves your company you can delete their account. They will no longer have access to CustomerSure, but any historic data, such as their replies to customers or notes will still exist and be shown.

Linking feedback to staff

Feedback can be linked to staff members (see segments help page. If you do not want these staff members to have access to CustomerSure, you can add them as Staff without a login which will still allow you to link feedback to them.

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