
Once you’ve created a survey, you’re free to edit most aspects of it. This guide explains how to edit each area, and gives advice on what you should and shouldn’t change. A couple of the editing tools should be used with caution, as used in the wrong way, they may have unwanted side effects. With great power comes great responsibility! Don’t worry, we’ll explain everything, and if you’re unsure, please just get in touch with us for advice!

Changing a survey’s name.

The survey name is for your reference only. Customers will not see it.

How to rename a survey:

  • Surveys on the main menu.
  • Click Edit on the survey you want to rename.
  • Click the Customise survey link in the sidebar.
  • Change the name in the name field and click the Save changes button.

Change the intro text

Changing a survey’s intro text is easy. It’s a good idea to use your intro text to reiterate to your customers that you’re committed to dealing with every single piece of feedback. It reassures them so they know that they are not wasting their time. To update the text, go here:

  • Click Surveys on the main menu.
  • Click Edit on the survey you want to update.
  • Click the Customise survey link in the sidebar.
  • Change the intro text and click the Save changes button.

Change the questions

CustomerSure helps you produce short simple surveys which gets amazing response rates, and delivers actionable feedback that you use to improve your business.

This means your surveys are limited to 10 questions maximum, although we recommend you use fewer. If you feel you need more, get in touch with us and we’ll help you do more with fewer questions, or possibly enable a longer survey.

Adding a new question

  • Click Surveys on the main menu.
  • Click Edit on the survey you want to add a question to.
  • Click the Add a new question button and select the type of question you’d like to add from the drop-down.
  • Fill in the form to create your new question.

Editing a question

You’re free to edit questions, but please be aware that this could potentially cause you problems.

For example, if you completely reword a question and change its meaning, old feedback will show up against the new question text which may be confusing. You may want to delete this question and add a new one instead.

However, if you just want to fix typos or simplify a question, this is a good option.

  • Click Surveys on the main menu.
  • Click Edit on the survey you want to change.
  • Find the question you want to update and click its Edit button.
  • Use the form to update the question.

Deleting a question

If you delete a question its historical data will also be deleted. It may be unwise to do this, so be very sure this is what you intend to do. You can not undo question deletion, so be careful.

To delete a question:

  • Click Surveys on the main menu.
  • Click Edit on the survey you want to remove a question from.
  • Find the question you want to delete and click the small drop-down arrow next to its edit button.
  • Select Delete this question and confirm the action.

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