
To start collecting feedback we recommend you run a small test in one area of your business. It will help you gain experience, build confidence and prove that your new feedback process works. Once you’re happy, you can roll CustomerSure out across your organisation

Step 1: Pick a touchpoint in a customer journey.

It’s always important to make sure the timing is right for your customers. If possible, it’s a good idea to invite feedback straight after your customer has interacted with you. For example: after a sale, a project, a support call or a customer service email.

To send out a survey, you’ll need the email addresses for the customers that have interacted with this touchpoint, so pick something where it won’t be hard to access that data (i.e. via a CSV report from one of your existing systems).

Step 2: Schedule Feedback Requests

Once you have the email addresses you can schedule the feedback request emails, perhaps once a week to start with. It’s usually quickest to get started by manually collecting feedback , and when you’re ready (or if you prefer) you can automate customer feedback.

Step 3: Follow up

Once you start receiving feedback, you’ll want to view it and start replying to your customers.

Take the first step…

Connect with a CX expert who’ll help determine your current VoC programme maturity level and provide a 3-step action plan to improve.