
In addition to using the feedback request emails that CustomerSure offers, you may wish to consider these alternative approaches to collecting feedback.

Survey on a tablet or mobile

Your survey is designed to look good on all devices such as mobile, desktop and tablets. Some customers use a tablet at reception with the survey ready loaded. Or, they hand the tablet to customers to fill in at an appropriate time. If you take this approach you can [edit your survey’s thank you page](/help-pages/survey-thank-you/ so it automatically reloads the survey after a few seconds; this way it’s ready for the next customer.

Phone based feedback

If you have people calling customers and asking them for feedback, why not set up a survey to match the script. Your agents can then fill in the survey with the customer’s responses, whilst they are on the phone. We can help to set up links for each agent so you know who has collected what feedback. This will provide you with one central location for all your feedback, and of course you’ll benefit from the follow-up and reporting features too.

Each survey has its own unique link which you can use however you like. You can share them with customers via your own emails, your software or even place it in your email footer.

To get a survey’s link:

  • Click Surveys on the main menu.
  • Click Edit on the survey.
  • Click Copy survey link to clipboard.
  • Paste the link wherever you need it.

If you do use this method, it’s possible to pre-fill the survey with the customers details if you have them. You can add their details to the end of the link. Here is an example to copy:

Please note that yoursubdomain and unique-code will need replacing with real values form your survey. If you need any help with this feature, please just get in touch with us.

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